Smart Home Security System

Smart Home Security System

Avisha Kumar (ak754) & Tyler Sherman (tss86)

Cornell University
ECE 5725: Embedded Operating Systems
Final Project: Monday Lab Section
Spring 2020: 05/14/2020

Team Photo.

Team photo

Video Demonstration.


Our Team.


Avisha Kumar

BS in Electrical & Computer Engineer '19
MEng in Electrical & Computer Engineer '20

Work distribution:

  • Motion detection algorithm
  • Software for user notification and web interface
  • Testing and debugging

Tyler Sherman

BS in Electrical & Computer Engineer '19
MEng in Electrical & Computer Engineer '20

Work distribution:

  • Hardware design and integration
  • Software for servos, PIR sensor and video livestream
  • Testing and debugging

Project Overview.

Project Objectives.

Your home is where your loved ones sleep. Your home is where your most cherished belongings are stored. Your home must be safe. The objective of this project is to build a Smart Home Security System. This enables deterrence through accountability, protecting your home and everything it stands for. Objectives include:

Project Description.

This project is to build a Smart Home Security System that is cheap, robust and easy to install. It can be wall-powered or battery powered, with access to an Internet connection (Ethernet or WiFi) as the only requirement. The goal of this project is to provide safety and peace of mind to the owner at an affordable cost. The system requires minimal maintenance and is very easy to operate.

All peripherals and sensors are connected to the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B device. The Raspberry Pi Camera Module is mounted within a pan-tilt hardware kit with two degrees of rotation enabling 180º of side-to-side (pan) rotation and 150º of up-and-down (tilt) rotation. The camera movement is user controllable through an online web interface, which greatly expands the effective field of view.

A Passive Infrared (PIR) sensor is coupled with a computer vision algorithm to detect motion. When a threat is detected, an email is immediately sent to alert the owner. The email notification contains a link to the web interface and an image identifying the threat.

This system can be broken down into five parts:

  1. Video stream
  2. Pan-tilt system
  3. Motion detection
  4. User notification
  5. Web interface
Circuit diagram 1 Circuit diagram 3
Circuit diagram 2 Still from video feed

Design & Testing.

Development Timeline.


The difficulty of this project was compounded due to COVID-19 pandemic. Tyler had all of the hardware, but unlike on campus, he only had access to a very limited toolset (i.e., wire stripper) and did not have any circuit equipment (multimeter, oscilloscope, etc.). Nonetheless, we were able to connect all of our hardware as detailed in the circuit diagram below. Clearly, we did not use the piTFT display. This was a conscious decision because of the embedded nature of our device. Instead of the piTFT display, a website was designed as the user information and control mechanism.

R-Pi Camera Module V2

Camera module

Example of pan-tilt rotation

Pan-Tilt rotation

HC-SR501 PIR Sensor

PIR sensor

The servos are connected to the hardware PWM GPIO pins (18 and 19). A switch is inserted between the servos and the 6V battery pack (four AA batteries) to enable easily disconnecting the servos when not in use, preserving the batteries.

Current limiting resistors (1kΩ) are used between the external devices and the GPIO pins. This is essential because we are controlling hardware with software. The current limiting resistors are used to protect the GPIO pins from problematic software mistakes (accidentally programming the input pin as an output). The current limiting resistors would keep the generated current within the tolerance of the GPIO pins even if such a mistake were to occur.

A simple solution—double sided adhesive foam tape—was used to mount the R-Pi Camera Module V2 to the pan-tilt base. While we initially planned to make a nice laser cut container to package all of the hardware, the pandemic made this impossible.

Circuit schematic

Circuit schematic


The first thing we did is develop a comprehensive set of tools to remotely manage the Raspberry Pi system. The R-Pi system is located at Tyler’s house with an HDMI monitor, mouse and keyboard. On Tyler’s local network, the R-Pi has the static IP address We used Dynamic DNS by NoIP to enable accessing Tyler’s home network using a hostname. Combined the port forwarding on Tyler’s home router, this enabled global access to the R-Pi. Additionally, we turned on RealVNC to enable access to the R-Pi desktop.

To achieve a high frame rate and low latency video stream, we used "Advanced Recipe 4.10 - Web Streaming" from the PiCamera documentation. This is a simple HTTP server that achieves significantly higher frame rates than anything else we tested (mjpg-streamer, Motion program, RPi-Cam-Web-Interface). This is implemented in It is the only process to directly interact with the camera. The video stream is served to the other programs that require it. The video is streamed at 60 fps with a resolution of 640x480 pixels.

To implement our computer vision algorithm for motion detection, we used the Motion program. Motion is a highly configurable program that monitors video signals from many camera types. In our case, we pass through the video stream from The motion detection algorithm looks at the number of changed pixels in consecutive frames. A motion event is triggered when greater than 5% of the total pixels in the frame are different, after filtering and noise reduction. To trigger a motion detection alert, three consecutive frames must contain a motion event. A motion detection alert is ended after 10 consecutive seconds of no motion detected.

The python program performs motion detection using the PIR sensor. This function uses callbacks due to their improved efficiency over polling. Importantly, this function includes a 30 second warm up period in which the PIR sensor acclimates to the environment. This initialization period is essential for proper operation.

When motion is detected, whether by PIR sensor or the computer vision algorithm, an email alert is sent to the user. The email contains a hyperlink to take the user directly to the livestream. If the motion alert was triggered by the computer vision algorithm, it will also include an image from the video stream with a box drawn to identify the motion. This is achieved using the Mutt utility, which allows you to send an HTML file as the body of the email. msmtp, an SMTP client, and a free Google email address are used.

Motion detected email alert

We evaluated multiple web server technologies for the user interface. Motion, RPi-Cam-Web-Interface and mjpg-streamer don’t allow for customization, and Django seemed too heavy for our needs; we settled on Flask. The website is designed using a responsive single page template by W3Schools with heavily customized HTML and CSS. We used Flask configuration settings to force a user login on the website to add security. The video stream from the simple HTTP server is displayed for the user. We used JavaScript to enable user control of the pan-tilt servos through HTML buttons and we used Flask-SocketIO to asynchronously pass data from the PIR sensor to the website. Bash scripts are used to elegantly start-up and shutdown the system.

Our complete software architecture is described in the flowchart below.


We followed an incremental testing approach that mirrored our development plan. This enabled us to parallelize our work, ensuring each individual component was fully functional before being integrated into the system-at-large. During week 2, we spent a lot of time familiarizing ourselves with the configuration options for the Motion program. This let us iterate our motion detection thresholds without relying on other programs. During week 2 we also figured out how to send automated emails, and we practiced this in various configurations. Doing this early on made it trivial to integrate later.

Testing the pan-tilt hardware was complicated by the lack of tools (multimeter, wires, etc.) available, but we took it slow and made it work. Using the PiGPIO library and Pygame, we built a simple remote to control the servos. This greatly aided in our debugging of the system.

Remote to control servos

In addition, we created programs to test launching background processes, building a Flask web server and streaming camera footage. All testing files are located in the GitHub repository under /Project Code/Testing. In the end, we “stress tested” our system by having it run for an extended period of time. During this, all the various user control functions were tested to ensure proper operation.

Problems Faced.

We faced numerous issues throughout our project. This included:

Bill of Materials (BOM).

Our complete hardware list is included in the below Bill of Materials (BOM). Our total budget is well below the $100 per team limit.

Component Vendor Part Number Cost
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2 Adafruit 3055 -
piCobbler Expansion Cable Adafruit 914 -
16GB Micro SD Card SanDisk - -
Raspberry Pi Camera Board v2 - 8 Megapixels Adafruit 3099 -
Passive Infrared (PIR) Motion Sensor DIYmall HC-SR501 -
Pan/Tilt/Roll Camera Mount Fat Shark FSV1603 $59.99
Total Cost = $59.99

Results & Conclusion.


After countless hours, many tests, lots of research and despite the circumstances, all aspects of the Smart Home Security System work as expected. The system gracefully starts using the launch script. Likewise, clicking the shutdown button on the website gracefully tears the system down and kills all the background processes. The video stream has been optimized to minimize latency and the motion detection thresholds have been refined through numerous trials. Emails are automatically sent to alert the user when motion is detected.

The result of our work is a responsive, globally accessible website interface that displays the video stream and the motion detection status of the PIR sensor. Additionally, the website allows the user to control the camera movement and shutdown the system. For security purposes, the website is protected using a username and password.

The user control website interface looks as follows:

Web interface

When the PIR sensor detects motion, the Motion Detection section of the website is asynchronously updated as follows:

Web interface with motion detected

Future Work.

There are many avenues for further exploration and improvement. Areas include:


The beginning of this project coincided with the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. The circumstances enabled us to learn a great deal about remote management systems and networking. All circuitry work was done with limited tools and zero equipment, illustrating what is possible when you improvise and have an open mind and flexible attitude. Despite the incredible circumstances, we achieved all the objectives outlined in our project proposal. We implemented a fully functional embedded home security system on a resource constrained hardware platform. The system is globally accessible, has a responsive web interface, performs motion detection using both a PIR sensor and a computer vision algorithm and provides instant motion detection alerts via an automated email mechanism. A significant portion of this project required researching, understanding, installing and modifying various third-party APIs to support our hardware, which was a great learning experience for our future careers. Amazingly, this powerful system is extremely cheap!


We would like to thank Professor Joe Skovira and TAs Alex Hatzis, Caitlin Stanton, Canhui Yu and Sophie He for their help and guidance throughout the semester. Without them, this project would not have been nearly as successful. Additionally, we’d like to acknowledge the Linux and Raspberry Pi community at-large for providing a platform for low cost hardware projects and enabling hobbyists and tinkerers to pursue their passion.


  • Description
  • Remote management
  • Remote management
  • GPIO library
  • GPIO library (hardware PWM)
  • Camera module
  • Motion detection program
  • PIR sensor
  • SG90 servo motor
  • Email using msmtp
  • Email using mutt
  • Flask web server
  • Flask web server
  • Flask and
  • ECE5725 reference project
  • ECE5725 reference project
  • ECE5725 reference project

Code Appendix.

GitHub Repository.

All of our project code, including the code for this website, is hosted publically on GitHub at: ECE 5725 Final Project. Code for this website is in the docs folder and the project source code is in the Project Code folder.

Source Code.

Due to the large number of software files, only core code is included here. The complete code directory is available in the GitHub repository. Account usernames and passwords have been redacted where applicable.
Script to elegantly launch the system

          # Avisha Kumar (ak754) & Tyler Sherman (tss86)  #
          # ECE 5725: Embedded OS                         #
          # 04/22/2020                                    #
          # Lab 5: Final Project                          #
          # Use 'chmod +x' to make executable

          # Start PiGPIO daemon
          # Daemon must be running for library to work
          if pgrep pigpiod
              echo 'PiGPIO daemon running'
              sudo pigpiod

          # Launch rapid camera network stream
          # Use absolute path
          python3 ~/FinalProject/ &

          # Launch PIR sensor
          # Use absolute path
          python3 ~/FinalProject/ &

          # Launch servo controller
          # Use absolute path
          python3 ~/FinalProject/FlaskWebServer/static/scripts/ &

          # Launch Motion program
          # -c : full path & filename of config file
          # -b : run in daemon mode
          motion -b -c ~/FinalProject/Motion/motion.conf &

          # Launch Flask WebServer
          # Use absolute path
          python3 ~/FinalProject/FlaskWebServer/

          #---------TERMINATION & CLEANUP---------#
          # Kill the Motion program
          if pgrep motion
              sudo service motion stop
              echo 'Motion program killed'
              echo 'Motion program not running'
          # Kill the python processes
          if pgrep python
              killall python3
              killall python
              echo 'Python processes killed'
              echo 'Python not running'
          # Kill the PiGPIO daemon
          if pgrep pigpiod
              sudo killall pigpiod
              echo 'PiGPIO daemon killed'
              echo 'PiGPIO daemon not running'

Flask web server

          # Avisha Kumar (ak754) & Tyler Sherman (tss86)  #
          # ECE 5725: Embedded OS                         #
          # 04/22/2020                                    #
          # Lab 5: Final Project                          #
          from flask import Flask, render_template, request, url_for, copy_current_request_context
          from flask_basicauth import BasicAuth
          from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit
          from time import sleep
          from threading import Thread, Event
          import os

          app = Flask(__name__)

          # Forces username:password login for all pages
          app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX'  #redacted
          app.config['DEBUG'] = False
          app.config['BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME'] = 'XXXXX'  #redacted
          app.config['BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD'] = 'XXXXX'  #redacted
          app.config['BASIC_AUTH_FORCE'] = True
          basic_auth = BasicAuth(app)

          # Turn Flask app into a SocketIO app
          socketio = SocketIO(app, async_mode=None, logger=True, engineio_logger=True)

          # Create thread for PIR sensor
          thread = Thread()
          thread_stop_event = Event()

          # Function that asynchronously updates PIR status using named pipe
          def pirSensor():
              # initial setup
              prevPirStatus = 0
              setupCount = 0
              while not thread_stop_event.isSet():
                   f = open("/home/pi/FinalProject/FlaskWebServer/static/scripts/pir.txt", "r")
                   pirStatus = int([0:1])
                   # PIR detected motion --> changed to high
                   if(prevPirStatus==0 and pirStatus==1):
                       socketio.emit('pirStatus', {'pir': 'Detected'}, namespace='/pir')
                       prevPirStatus = 1
                   # PIR has no detected motion --> changed to low
                   elif(prevPirStatus==1 and pirStatus==0 or pirStatus==0 and setupCount<=50):
                       socketio.emit('pirStatus', {'pir': 'Clear'}, namespace='/pir')
                       prevPirStatus = 0
                       setupCount += 1

          @app.route("/", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
          def homepage():
             templateData = {
             # Respond to button presses
             if request.method == 'POST':
                if request.form['form'] == 'Shutdown':
                     os.system('exec ~/FinalProject/FlaskWebServer/static/scripts/')
                if request.form['form'] == 'left':
                     os.system('python ~/FinalProject/FlaskWebServer/static/scripts/')
                if request.form['form'] == 'right':
                     os.system('python ~/FinalProject/FlaskWebServer/static/scripts/')
                if request.form['form'] == 'up':
                     os.system('python ~/FinalProject/FlaskWebServer/static/scripts/')
                if request.form['form'] == 'down':
                     os.system('python ~/FinalProject/FlaskWebServer/static/scripts/')
                if request.form['form'] == 'center':
                     os.system('python ~/FinalProject/FlaskWebServer/static/scripts/')
                return render_template('index.html', **templateData, scrollToAnchor='servo')

             return render_template('index.html', **templateData)

          @socketio.on('connect', namespace='/pir')
          def test_connect():
              # Need visibility of the global thread object
              global thread
              print('Client connected')
              #Start PIR sensor thread only if thread has not been started
              if not thread.isAlive():
                  print("Starting Thread")
                  thread = socketio.start_background_task(pirSensor)

          @socketio.on('disconnect', namespace='/pir')
          def test_disconnect():
              print('Client disconnected')

          if __name__ == '__main__':
    , host='', port=8001, debug=False)

Create video feed from PiCamera

          # Avisha Kumar (ak754) & Tyler Sherman (tss86)  #
          # ECE 5725: Embedded OS                         #
          # 04/22/2020                                    #
          # Lab 5: Final Project                          #
          - Run using python3
          - 640x480 @ 60 fps streamed to port 8000
          import io
          import picamera
          import logging
          import socketserver
          from threading import Condition
          from http import server
                  <title>PiCamera MJPEG Video Stream</title>
                  <img src="stream.mjpg" width="640" height="480" />

          class StreamingOutput(object):
              def __init__(self):
                  self.frame = None
                  self.buffer = io.BytesIO()
                  self.condition = Condition()

              def write(self, buf):
                  if buf.startswith(b'\xff\xd8'):
                      # New frame, copy the existing buffer's content and notify all
                      # clients it's available
                      with self.condition:
                          self.frame = self.buffer.getvalue()
                  return self.buffer.write(buf)

          class StreamingHandler(server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
              def do_GET(self):
                  if self.path == '/':
                      self.send_header('Location', '/index.html')
                  elif self.path == '/index.html':
                      content = PAGE.encode('utf-8')
                      self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
                      self.send_header('Content-Length', len(content))
                  elif self.path == '/stream.mjpg':
                      self.send_header('Age', 0)
                      self.send_header('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, private')
                      self.send_header('Pragma', 'no-cache')
                      self.send_header('Content-Type', 'multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=FRAME')
                          while True:
                              with output.condition:
                                  frame = output.frame
                              self.send_header('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg')
                              self.send_header('Content-Length', len(frame))
                      except Exception as e:
                              'Removed streaming client %s: %s',
                              self.client_address, str(e))

          class StreamingServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, server.HTTPServer):
              allow_reuse_address = True
              daemon_threads = True

          with picamera.PiCamera(resolution='640x480', framerate=60) as camera:
              output = StreamingOutput()
              camera.rotation = 180
              camera.start_recording(output, format='mjpeg', quality=5)
                  address = ('', 8000)
                  server = StreamingServer(address, StreamingHandler)


Email configuration file

          # Avisha Kumar (ak754) & Tyler Sherman (tss86)  #
          # ECE 5725: Embedded OS                         #
          # 04/09/2020                                    #
          # Lab 5: Final Project                          #
          # User configuration file ~/.msmtprc
          # msmtp is an SMTP client:

          # REFERENCES
          # Use MSMTP because SSMTP doesn't work on Buster

          # Set default values for all following accounts

          # Use the mail submission port 587 instead of the SMTP port 25
          port           587

          # Always use TLS
          tls            on
          tls_starttls   on
          tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

          # User specific log location, otherwise use /var/log/msmtp.log, however,
          # this will create an access violation if you are user pi, and have not changes the access rights
          logfile        ~/.msmtp.log

          # ----------------------------------------------- #
          #            Gmail service specifics              #
          # ----------------------------------------------- #
          account        gmail
          # Host name of the SMTP server
          # From address
          from           ECE 5725 Security Camera
          # Authentication: the password is given below
          auth           on
          user           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX #redacted
          password       XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX #redacted

          # Set a default account
          account default : gmail

Monitor the PIR sensor using callbacks

          #!/usr/bin/env python
          # Avisha Kumar (ak754) & Tyler Sherman (tss86)  #
          # ECE 5725: Embedded OS                         #
          # 04/20/2020                                    #
          # Lab 5: Final Project                          #
          import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
          import time
          import subprocess

          # Use Broadcom Numbering system

          PIR_PIN = 23
          GPIO.setup(PIR_PIN, GPIO.IN)

          # Define a threaded callback function to run in another thread when events are detected
          def MOTION(PIR_PIN):
              if GPIO.input(PIR_PIN): # GPIO23 == high
                  msg = 'echo 1 > /home/pi/FinalProject/FlaskWebServer/static/scripts/pir.txt'
                  subprocess.check_output(msg, shell=True)
                  email = 'mutt -e "set content_type="text/html"" -s "ALERT - Motion Detected!" < /home/pi/FinalProject/FlaskWebServer/static/scripts/text.html'
                  subprocess.check_output(email, shell=True)
                  #print("Motion detected!")
              else:                   # GPIO23 == low
                  msg = 'echo 0 > /home/pi/FinalProject/FlaskWebServer/static/scripts/pir.txt'
                  subprocess.check_output(msg, shell=True)
                  #print("End of motion detection event")

          # PIR needs 30-60 seconds to initialize
          for i in range(30):

              # When a change edge is detected on GPIO23, regardless of whatever else
              # is happening in the program, the function MOTION will be run
              GPIO.add_event_detect(PIR_PIN, GPIO.BOTH, callback=MOTION)
              while 1:

          except KeyboardInterrupt:

Javascript to dynamically update PIR status

          //# Avisha Kumar (ak754) & Tyler Sherman (tss86)  #
          //# ECE 5725: Embedded OS                         #
          //# 04/23/2020                                    #
          //# Lab 5: Final Project                          #
              var output = document.getElementById("pirStatus");
              output.innerHTML = "";

              //connect to the socket server.
              var socket = io.connect('http://' + document.domain + ':' + location.port + '/pir');
              //receive details from server
              socket.on('pirStatus', function(msg) {
                  //console.log("PIR status = " + msg.pir);
                  if(msg.pir == "Detected") {
                      var sentence = ''<h3 class='w3-xlarge w3-text-red'><b>WARNING - The PIR sensor has detected motion!</b></h3>"
                      var img = "<img src=../static/img/Intruder.png class='pirImage'>"
                      output.innerHTML = sentence + img;
                  } else {
                      var sentence = "<p>No motion has been detected.</p>"
                      var img = "<img src=../static/img/AllClear.jpg class='pirImage'>"
                      output.innerHTML = sentence + img;

Controls the pan and tilt servos

          #!/usr/bin/env python
          # Avisha Kumar (ak754) & Tyler Sherman (tss86)  #
          # ECE 5725: Embedded OS                         #
          # 04/23/2020                                    #
          # Lab 5: Final Project                          #
          # start daemon = sudo pigpiod
          # stop daemon  = sudo killall pigpiod
          import os
          import errno
          import time
          import pigpio # uses Broadcom Numbering system

          # Named Pipe
          FIFO = '/home/pi/FinalProject/FlaskWebServer/static/scripts/servoFifo'
          except OSError as oe:
              if oe.errno != errno.EEXIST:

          # Define Constants
          servo_pan  = 19       # GPIO19
          servo_tilt = 18       # GPIO18
          loc_tilt   = 0        # location of servo_tilt in duty cycle
          loc_pan    = 0        # location of servo_pan in duty cycle
          freq       = 50       # Hz
          right      = 75000  # 7.5%
          up         = 75000  # 7.5%
          center     = 90000  # 9.0%
          left       = 105000 # 10.5%
          down       = 105000 # 10.5%
          step       = 500

          #------------------SERVO FUNCTIONS------------------------#
          def pan_left():
              global loc_pan
              if loc_pan <= left - step:
                  loc_pan += step
                  pi.hardware_PWM(servo_pan, freq, loc_pan)
                  print('servo_pan location = '+str(loc_pan))
                  print('ERROR: servo_pan already left')
          def pan_right():
              global loc_pan
              if loc_pan >= right + step:
                  loc_pan -= step
                  pi.hardware_PWM(servo_pan, freq, loc_pan)
                  print('servo_pan location = '+str(loc_pan))
                  print('ERROR: servo_pan already right')
          def tilt_up():
              global loc_tilt
              if loc_tilt >= up + step:
                  loc_tilt -= step
                  pi.hardware_PWM(servo_tilt, freq, loc_tilt)
                  print('servo_tilt location  = '+str(loc_tilt))
                  print('ERROR: servo_tilt already up')
          def tilt_down():
              global loc_tilt
              if loc_tilt <= down - step:
                  loc_tilt += step
                  pi.hardware_PWM(servo_tilt, freq, loc_tilt)
                  print('servo_tilt location  = '+str(loc_tilt))
                  print('ERROR: servo_tilt already down')
          def center_servos():
              global loc_pan
              global loc_tilt
              pi.hardware_PWM(servo_pan, freq, center)
              pi.hardware_PWM(servo_tilt,  freq, center)
              loc_pan = center
              loc_tilt = center
              print('centering servos')

          # Setup & initialize PWM
          pi = pigpio.pi()
          pi.hardware_PWM(servo_tilt, freq, center)
          pi.hardware_PWM(servo_pan,  freq, center)
          loc_tilt = center
          loc_pan = center

          # Normally, opening the FIFO blocks until the other end is opened also
          # This way, once the pipe is closed, the code will attempt to re-open it, which will block until another writer opens the pipe
          running = True
          while running:
              #print("Opening FIFO...")
              with open(FIFO) as fifo:
                  #print("FIFO opened")
                  while True:
                      cmd = ([0:1]
                      if cmd == 'u':
                      elif cmd == 'l':
                      elif cmd == 'c':
                      elif cmd == 'r':
                      elif cmd == 'd':
                      elif cmd == 'q':
                          running = False

                      # closes FIFO to limit CPU usafe
                      if len(cmd) == 0:
                          #print("Writer closed")
                      #print('Read: "{0}"'.format(data))

          # Stop & cleanup